Denny Dennis Sporting Goods

When Denny Dennis opened Denny Dennis Sporting Goods 52 years ago, it was more variety store than sporting goods store — along with fishing poles and bows and arrows, the Fenton, Mo. , store sold toys, hardware, plumbing supplies, and paint, among other things.

As the years passed, though, the store’s offerings more and more reflected Dennis’ passions — hunting and fishing. By the late 1970s, Denny Dennis Sporting Goods store was exactly that — a sporting goods store.

Over the next 20 years, Dennis refined the product mix even more. One by one, he dropped team sports to free up space for what customers really wanted: More hunting and fishing gear. Today, with Dennis’ son, Denis Dennis, Jr., and manager, Tim Works, at the helm, Denny Dennis Sporting Goods sells only hunting and fishing equipment, including firearms, archery equipment, gun safes, decoys, rods, reels, tackle, and much more.

Denny Dennis Sporting Goods’ huge selection of in-stock inventory is precisely why customers travel near and far (as far as 100 miles) for their hunting and fishing needs. That — and the fact that the staff of avid outdoorsmen is familiar with the products and anxious to help customers find exactly what they’ll need to make their next outing a success. If a product isn’t on the store’s shelf, Denny Dennis Sporting Goods will gladly special-order it.

A member of Sports Inc. — a respected national sporting goods buying group — Denny Dennis Sporting Goods combines its buying power with other buying group members and is able to buy products from the top suppliers at the lowest prices. These savings are passed on to you.